5-week Body Language Mastery Course

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5-week body language mastery course test

مشاهده744 دریافتویدئو:این کد را در صفحه ی خود بگذارید:توسط در 23 Sep 2015 توضیحات:Hey guys i'm back and as always with a another course to help you become a god with girls. Study carefully as this one is a big one and as always stay tuned. لغات کلیدی:Eye Contact, Body Language, 5 Week Body Language Mastery Course, 1 of 5, Tao of Badass, Joshua Pellicer, Sign, First, Language (Quotation Subject), Attraction.

Discover How to Find and Clear Dissonant Inner Energies to Embody a Fully Grounded, Passionate and Heart-Centered Life that Works.If you're like me, you want to feel vibrant, alive, and effective in your life. You want to wake energized for the things that matter most, engage in rich and meaningful work, and cultivate robust good health.Yet we live in a fast-paced, tuned-in, stressed-out world where there is little time for cultivation, to refocus our scattered energy, or address the way other people's energy seems to always be in our business. Most of us aren't aware of the multiple ways our energy is being drained, given away, or simply wasted unnecessarily.You are following your culture's blueprint for a good life and you've done what you were expected to do.

But you aren't quite living the life you know is out there.You might even feel stressed, anxious, depressed, deeply lonely, disconnected, or just completely overwhelmed. OUR PERSONAL STORIES AND INVITATION FOR YOU. Langston Kahn:I have always been fascinated by spirituality and the unseen. I had explored a lot by my early twenties - energy healing, witchcraft, African diasporic traditions, somatic healing modalities but my life was still a mess.I was working full time with no insurance at a job I hated, drowning in student loan debt, confusing others’ emotions with my own, and rarely honoring my limits and boundaries.When western medicine failed to help with an autoimmune disease, I found a shaman who diagnosed one primary issue at the root of all my problems: no boundaries.

The shaman removed the problematic energetic compensation I had created and tasked me with cultivating my own actual, energy body.At first, “energy body” felt strange and awkward. But Christina Pratt taught me how to deeply ground in my body, get out of my head, and develop a deep sense of belonging and home. I finally learned how to cultivate healthy, intelligent boundaries and take responsibility for my energy as a spiritual adult.Everything changed.I am able to release and transform the ways I internalized oppression and trauma from my past so that it no longer impacts my present.Energy Body Mastery became a foundation that supports every single aspect of my life. I see my life as a teacher, actively conspiring with my body and soul to show me what needs my attention so that I can bring my unique medicine into the world.I am devoted to sharing these techniques with others. While I learned the hard way, I envision a future where younger generations don’t have to. These techniques are the best foundation I know.I hope you’ll join Jane and me on this adventure of mastering our energy bodies and finding the freedom to live what has heart and meaning.

Jane Carr:I spent my teens and 20s frustrated by my inability to use my gifts of sensitivity and perception to make headway on things that mattered most to me.Instead I directed my energies toward sensing what others wanted and delivering on their expectations. I was stuck in my own patterns and unable, in spite of intelligence and education, to express my power authentically in my life.Returning to the U.S. After Peace Corps service, I found two new skillsets: energy body cultivation and shamanism. With these skills I learned to co-wield my power with others, both human and spirits. I began to use my sensitivity as a tool for discerning what broke my heart and to accurately perceive what I needed to do to change and do it.Energy Body Mastery and cultivation were at the root of my new capacity to, in the words of Audre Lorde, “dare to be powerful, to use my strength in service of my vision.”Through Energy Body Mastery I learned to connect to the Earth and the Cosmos, to ground effectively, and to cultivate robust and intelligent boundaries.

Using these skills I discovered that by compassionately sensing our own energy, we also give ourselves an alternative to sensing and following the dehumanizing messages of our culture.I am excited to teach you these skills so that you can learn to purposefully and powerfully direct your energies toward your visions of a more beautiful world.My invitation to you is to step into a circle with Langston and me and learn practices that affirm our shared humanity. Join us in claiming your own powers of attention and intention to shape an energy body of vitality and use the gorgeous creativity of free will.

“I loved this class so much! I needed to learn boundaries to help me protect myself as a shamanic practitioner and medium. Having said that, everyone needs to have this knowledge to have the ability to deal with life as we know it. The day to day environment you find yourselves in will improve after taking this course!. I have never had a teacher able to explain how to build boundaries in a healthy way that I could understand.

Body Language Examples

Having taken this class, I now have the tools for the first time to do what I have never been able to do before All of the support I needed was available to me in a wonderful online community. I can highly recommend this class to absolutely anyone. You will not regret it!” - Kim Gerlach, Luminosity Medium and Shamanic Practice. “Energy Body Mastery has been-and continues to be-foundational for all my work, and indeed for life. I’d learned about spiritual hygiene and therapeutic boundaries but it was all abstract and sporadic. EBM gave me a daily practice and a practical framework to understand the dimensions of my energy body and the space between my energy and the energy of the world.

As a person who loves to overthink, I found the tools gently shifted my awareness out of my mind and into my body, with compassion and curiosity. The course creates and reaches into a global community of people wanting to live a healthy, conscious and intentional lives. I found so much support online and still do. EBM is compassionate, clear, sustainable, foundational and essential.” - Bridget de Gersigny, MFA., LGBTQI activist-funder, & Shamanic Practitioner. “I have been practicing and using energy techniques for personal growth and in my healing practice for decades. I vacillated between thinking it was impossible to master my energy body and thinking I knew all I needed to know and done all there was to do. Energy Body Mastery is interesting, informative, fun and effective.

My daily energy experience is clearly in better balance. The energy boost benefit of being in a global community of other participants was helpful and the question and answer system was excellent. It was all clearly coming from the heart and with integrity. An excellent investment.” - Daniel Abney, LMP,CST: Physical and Energetic Healing for all Beings and Property. “Energy Body Mastery has been the most instrumental practice for cleaning up my relationships, especially when it came to patterns, habits, conflicts, resentments, and even the most subtle codependencies. Self-responsibility has shifted from a mental and psychological concept, to an undoubted clarity that the way I am with my energy starts with me.

Body language signs

Now, when I tend to my own energy I access new responses and behaviors and new ways of perceiving, being, and relating to others.” - Mati Vargas-Gibson, MA, MFA, Certified Teacher of 5Rhythms Movement Meditation. In this session, you'll continue to build on the understanding of the principles and add more practices. You'll learn:.

The practice to step into the center of your energy body and meet “Heaven and Earth”. The practice to align your instinct (center), your intuition (heart), and your insight (mind). How to activate and cultivate your own Truth Cord so that you know the truth regardless of expectations, manipulations, and undue influence of others. To self-correct your everyday actions that weaken your Truth Cord with actions that strengthen it. In this session, you will explore the principles, techniques, and practices you need to unlock your wisdom. You’ll learn:. Techniques to notice “who in you” is ready, and then accurately unlock your hidden wisdom.

Coordinated practice for cultivating your energy body and the beliefs that support the True Self. Guidelines for supporting others in clearing and being supported. The review-of-the-day practice to notice “who in you” is ready, pull back your projections, and create effective change. “Langston and Jane are the first senior teachers at Last Mask Center in the Cycle of Transformation Teachings. They have dedicated years of study with me, mentored their community members, and explored many years of independent study of additional work that allows them to deepen and express their unique gifts. I am honored to call them community members and senior teachers.

You will be in exceptionally good hands.” Christina Pratt, author, healer, teacher at Last Mask Center and creator of Energy Body Mastery. It's More Than A Course, It's Your CommunityWhen you register for Energy Body Mastery, you'll become part of an inspired, vibrant global learning community of individuals just like you, who are seeking skills to become the men or women they were born to be. You'll interact online with Langston, Jane, and Christina and your fellow students from around the world through a private, social network created exclusively for the participants of this course.

These are oral, experiential teachings that require engagement and camaraderie of working it out together. You will be supporting and partnering with each other to learn from the collective wisdom we share together.Rest assured, your personal work will always be held securely in this sacred, virtual space. As a part of each week's curriculum, you'll be given practices, questions for reflection, and invited to post your responses in the forum. Langston and Jane will be available on a weekly basis to answer your questions and deepen your enjoyment of learning to be a better human.

Each session will teach you, step-by-step, the techniques to cultivate your energy body and the practical tools for mastery in emotional and intuitive energy processing. Langston and Jane will support and guide you in the practices, application, and exploration of this complete skill set. Through the sessions you will develop awareness, cultivate actual components of your energy body, and understand precisely how to use them with integrity in the world.Please note: Recordings of these sessions will be posted each day, so if you can’t make a session live, you will always have access to listen. Langston and Jane have set aside time each week to answer your questions. You will have the opportunity to learn from each other’s questions, experience, and the answers shared as you develop clarity and integrity in your energy body. If you have concerns or uncertainty arise in the practices, these sessions are offered to help you get clearer and more connected to the concepts in the course.Please note: Recordings of these sessions will be posted each day, so if you can’t make a session live, you will always have access to listen.​​​​​​​. 'BONUS #5Qigong for the Cultivation of Heaven on Earth: The Center Channel — Video with Christina PrattConserving and protecting your energy resources are essential to live well.

The world looks physical and solid, but in reality, it’s all energy and it’s all connected—and so are you. Whether you are engaged in religion, spirituality, shamanism or just plain living life you are still an energy being living in an energy world.

5-week Body Language Mastery Course

This practice cultivates your relationship with the Universal energies of the nourishing, sacred Earth and the radiant, divine Sky to replenish and inspire. BONUS #6Qigong for the Cultivation of Healthy Boundaries — Video with Christina PrattHealthy energetic boundaries are necessary to respond flexibly to what the day offers while staying focused on your vision in the face of multiple distractions.

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When you choose to ignore your boundaries or to shield and over-fortify, you lose or waste energy throughout the day and experience miscommunication and dissatisfaction in relationships. This practice cultivates the energy and awareness needed for healthy boundaries to allow focus and resources to flow into you, your relationships and your path to your destiny. BONUS #7Qigong for the Cultivation and Exploration of your Inner Landscape — Video with Christina PrattTo have the energy to live authentically we need to cultivate a vital and robust energy body.

Qi gong, time in nature, and naps can fill the bucket, while a day that requires you ignore your body, work beyond your ability to think, and drink caffeine to survive the day usually empties the bucket. This practice cultivates the energy and awareness of our inner landscape where we can clear the deep roots of persistent patterns and recover hidden inner resources. What is an online course?This online course delivers live curriculum to you on a weekly basis and you can determine and control how you do the work. Whether your favorable work time is morning or evening, you can participate live or listen to the recordings of each session at your convenience. In addition, all of the course materials are available to you at any time on the course website. Do I need any special equipment?Nothing special, just a device that connects to the Internet to participate in the Zoom classes, access the Facebook group, and to access the course website. Headphones can help with sound quality.

What if I miss a Live Session or Q&A?Please do not worry! This is not a problem – recordings of each session are available soon after so you can download and listen to them at your own convenience. You can post any questions in advance for the live class on the closed Facebook group and Jane or Langston will will answer them in the next live session. What are the dates and times for the sessions?The course begins Tuesday, September 3rd at 5:00 PM PDT/8:00 PM EDT. Each session is 120 minutes and airs each Tuesday from September 3rd through October 15, 2019 I can’t attend each session live — What now?No worries. You can post questions in advance on the group Facebook page or after you have watched the recording of the class.

5-week Body Language Mastery Course Test

In fact, many people who take the course are unable to attend all the sessions live and they report that their experiences are just as powerful via the recordings. What if I need more support, are you available for sessions?Langston and Jane are available for individual sessions via phone, SKYPE, or Zoom for course participants if you feel you require individual consultation. There is limited availability. For questions and queries regarding the teaching content each session you are encouraged to post on our group Facebook page. Do I have to finish the course in a certain time period?You can finish the course at your own pace in your own time. You will be able to download all the materials and/or access them on the course website. You will have ongoing access to the community FB group so that you can continue to interact and learn with the course participants even after you have completed your sessions.

Reading Mastery Language Arts

There will be ongoing support offered for continued learning and integration. What about confidentiality?Your experience remains completely confidential. If you wish to share in the live session or on the closed Facebook group, there is a confidentiality agreement in place. We respect the vulnerability it takes to learn something new and honor the shared, sacred space. Do I need strong internet skills to do this course?Only for accessing the course website, downloading course material (if you choose to) and interaction in the Q&A aspect of the sessions. We will give you all the support we can – and you’ll see that, once you’re in the flow, it’s really easy. Does the course require specific knowledge or experience?Previous knowledge or experience is not required or necessary.

All you need is curiosity, compassion for your own learning self, and joy in engaging your imagination.

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