Guilty Gear Isuka Patch

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  1. Guilty Gear Isuka Pc Download
  2. Guilty Gear Fightcade
  3. Guilty Gear 2 Overture Pc Download

If you've not played Guilty Gear X2, then you've not experienced one of the freshest fighting series to hit the scene in years. The Guilty Gear series has become known for pushing the boundaries of 2D fighters, in both technology and gameplay.

No other fighting series has such beautiful, high-res 2D graphics, and few can offer the feeling of barely-controlled anarchy that marks a good Guilty Gear match. Now, Arc System Works is innovating again, and in a way that few could have predicted. Takes the standard Guilty Gear formula and makes one major change: Four simultaneous players. Anarchy is far too weak a word. Imagine Sol Badguy flying across the screen, trying to knock May into his infamous dust loop combo.

Getintopc com windows 7 lite. May's summoning her dolphins like mad to try to partition the battlefield, while Sol's teammate Chipp is dashing past her on the back plane, aiming to surprise her from behind. Meanwhile, Dr.

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Faust is hiding in a corner, throwing out his collection of deadly, random items like there's no tomorrow. Dolphins are in the air. Ninjas are flying across the screen. Fausts are falling from the sky. There's a word for this, and it begins with 'm' and rhymes with adness. And just where the hell is Johnny?

There's a method to it, though. Isuka is built on the same gameplay system as Guilty Gear #Reload, the little-seen update to X2. The changes are only to accomodate the new, higher player count. For example, there's now a dedicated button to turn you around, which is quite useful when you want to fight someone that's not in front of you. There are also two planes on which to fight, a front one and a back one. You can move between the two at will, or execute special attacks that either travel between planes or send your target hurtling into the other one.

Some of the fancier plane-switching maneuvers will drain a bit from your tension meter, so you can't just go throwing them out every second. There are even some behind-the-back attacks, for those times when you want to dish out a little smackdown without even acknowledging your opponent's existence. Isuka's unique brand of insanity can be configured for any combination of four players, from the outlanding 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 to the seemingly unfair 1 vs 3.

However, the game has a few balancing features that can help the lesser-peopled teams be competitive. It's kinda like ratios in Capcom vs. SNK 2, but more subtle.


Guilty Gear Isuka Pc Download

The team with more players might only gain tension at 90% normal speeed, for example, while the loner gains it at 110% normal rate. Same goes for damage. There are also safeguards against getting completely mauled between multiple characters. For example, if you're getting hit by two people, on the fourth hit you're granted an instant burst, which should hopefully break you outta the hot spot. With its expansive Story Mode, hair-pulling Mission Mode and progressive scan support, Guilty Gear X2 was a better-than-perfect arcade translation. It looks like Guilty Gear Isuka will continue that happy trend.

While Story Mode is taking a break, Isuka's weird-sounding new Boost Mode will take up the slack. Remember the side-scrolling, street-fightin' Force Mode from Tekken 3 and Tekken 4? Boost is supposed to be like that, only fun. You can also look forward to three new backgrounds and three extra characters. I think we all have our guesses as to their identities, but the folks at Sammy ain't talking. Oh, there he is.

Despite the additional RAM requirements of showing four characters at once, the animation seems as good as it ever was, which is to say it's decent. Decent animation plus best-of-class high-res artwork and four crazy characters running around simultaneously makes Isuka's a graphical extravaganza. Unless it gives you epilepsy.

Guilty Gear Fightcade

Why is my left eye twitching, anyway? The tunes will rock. 'Nuff said on that. Hopefully it's apparent by now that Guilty Gear Isuka rocks harder than several casbahs.

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It's like someone took the radical bits of a 2D fighter ( Gulity Gear, for sake of argument) and Super Smash Bros. And mashed it all together with an eye for quality and fun. Guilty Gear Isuka is an experiment, and it's an awesomely successful one. I'm counting the days until it debuts on PS2 this fall, because there's going to be some serious throwing down in the GameSpy office.

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