Rammstein Best Of

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That mindset also defines Lindemann’s more provocative lyrics, such as “Sex” — a track with a gently swinging rhythm (who knew Germans could convincingly ape a Texas shuffle?) — on which he croons about getting fisted. “You want it, too!” he pleads, later trying to persuade his would-be lover with a YOLO rationale. Meanwhile, “Puppe” (“Puppet”) has a plot Eli Roth would envy about Lindemann’s sister working in a red-light district, locking him up and giving him a puppet to chew on, and “Hallomann” is basically the inner monologue of a child abductor (“Hello, little girl. Don’t talk, just get in the car.”) But even without a translation, the way Lindemann sings in German with rolled R’s and growls over a big drumbeat is enough to make your skin crawl.

  1. Rammstein Hits
Rammstein Best Of

Rammstein Hits

What does rammstein meanBest

Then again, nobody listens to Rammstein for the lyrics. Luckily, the band has settled into a moody, unique sound that matches their baser instincts and rises to the Weltschmerz of a song like “Deutschland.”.

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