Squid Proxy Windows Activation

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  1. Squid Proxy Server

Getting SquidObtaining Squid is easy! You have a number of choices:Many operating systems include Squid in their ports/packages system.

This is an easyway to get Squid up and running quickly, and a good way to keep up-to-date withnew Squid versions.You might also like to download an from here or one of the. This allows you to customizeyour Squid installation when you compile it. After downloading,refer to for assistance with compiling the source code.In some cases, you may want (or be forced) to download a.They are available for a variety of platforms, including Windows.Finally, if you are a developer, or want to closely track the source code, feel freeto get it from the.

Squid Proxy Server

When activating Office 2010, one may encounter the following error:The cause for this error is that the Activation does not support ‘ Basic Authentication‘You’ll need to adapt your Squid to bypass certain URL’sHowTo:Connect to SquidEnter cd /usr/local/etc/squidType vi allowed.domains.aclAdd following URL’s:. go.microsoft.com. activation.sls.microsoft.com. sls.microsoft.com. crl.microsoft.com. www.microsoft.comSave your changes and restart Squid ( /etc/init.d/squid restart)Retry Office Activation and you will be presented with the following screen.This entry was posted in and tagged,. Bookmark the.

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